Baby G

Gianna Elisa Mendoza entered the world on July 18, 2009 at 11:44pm 8 pounds 5 ounces 19 inches. We are so happy to introduce you! Please stand by for her new site that is under construction. I will be updating it with videos, pictures and blog enteries.
Thanks everyone for your support and well wishes. We can't wait for you to meet Baby G!!

Lots of love, David, Liza & Chuey

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dr's apt & Gianna's Room

So I thought I was at the home stretch, but I've been feeling good and don't feel like I'll be going into labor anytime soon. Baby has been doing great and moving a lot. She gets monitored twice a week and each time they said she's doing great. I guess too great because she hasn't dropped yet and I'm not dialated either! Doc says I'm softening up so I should start dialating any time now BUT he doesn't want to schedule an induction yet. Now I'm waiting until my next apt on the 23rd to see if I've progressed and then he'll decided when I'll be induced. I just can't wait to meet her! The suspence is killing us and going to make this next week go by slow. We know that now's the time to enjoy our sleep and the peace and quiet!

David is really excited for the baby to come! He's been working a lot in the heat and can't wait to take a little time off when the baby gets here. His parents are planning to come out here next week from Arizona.

Chuey's doing great. Went and had him shaved for the summer heat and he goes to the vet tomorrow for a check up. Getting all his needs taken care of now so he's good to go when baby gets here. He's going to have to get used to being outside more when she gets here! :)

All G's stuff is cleaned and ready to go. Below are pics of her baby room, everything is waiting for her arrival!! Enjoy!

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